Krishnan Love Story (2010)
The story revolves around Geetha (Radhika Pandit), a middle-class girl, who suppresses her ambitions due to poverty. She had to fear the society and also her drunkard brother (Chandru) who always ill-treats her. Though she likes Krishna (Ajai Rao), she elopes with Narendra (Pradeep), son of a rich man, for money. A ghastly incident makes her lead a miserable life unable to face society, but her lover Krishna comes to her help.
- Country : India
- Genre :
- Studio : Sri Venkateshwara Krupa Enterprises
- Director : Shashank
- Cast : Radhika Pandit, Umashree, Achyuth Kumar, Sharan, Pradeep, Padmaja Rao