Up The Workers

2 Season
14 Episode

Up The Workers - Season 1 Episode 3 The Bullet Maker ()

Managing Director Dicky Bligh (Henry McGee) is going fishing, Bernard Peck (Lance Percival) is to attend his mother’s wedding (her second, he hastens to add), Sid Stubbins (Norman Bird) is off to London for a conference of his union's national executive and Bert Hamflitt (Dudley Sutton) is showing his prize marrow at the local women’s institute. That is until a ‘bullet maker’ in the guise of Fred Brewer (Derek Newark) puts a spanner in the works. He gives shop steward Sid Stubbins, his bullets to fire in the form of endless union demands, which must be thrashed out over the weekend.

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30 minutes 1976 HD

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