The Late Show

2 Season
44 Episode

The Late Show - Season 1 Episode 7 Series 1, Episode 7 ()

Foreign Correspondent with George Negus. Opening Titles. Opening Remarks: Political party ads, Alan Bond free, Australian legal system. News Desk: Yugoslavian peace talks, Alan Bond, Man drives through Parliament House, Hurricane Andrew, Lord Carrington (Rob). Ill conceived Records. Hunt for Hecklers (Aaron Beaucaire Appearance). The Olden Days: Episode Seven "I'd Kill For A Coffee". Commercial Crimestoppers: I.K.D. Country Style, BeDazzler, Lada Cars (last week's previously unknown ad). Tony's Stand Up: Neil Diamond, Tony's Billy Bragg Song. Diana's Love Line. Countdown Classics: "Great Songwriters". Adrian Gurvits, Racey, Lucky Stars, Captain and Tennille, Plastic Bertrand, Rupert Holmes, Charlene. Over The Top Pest Control. Geoff and Terry Bailey: Master Builders (Home Cladding). Toilet Break: The Natural Seven "Summer Holiday". Kilo's Galore with Barry and Gary Bargearse. Empties Night Club. On The Couch: Jane's dolls, Jase's dolls, Basic Instinct doll. New Desk Update: Iraq exclusion zone, Rose Hancock, sex charge on priest, helicopter crash. Mick and Jase's Slide Show to Wobbie's World. Graham and the Colonel. Ticker tape parade, Mick Doohan, cricket, Steve Monaghetti. Closing: Bert Newton Art Competition.

(3 votes, average: 9.00/ 10)

50 minutes 1993 HD

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