Definitely Divorcing (2016) Land : United States of America Genre : Drama, Komödie, TV-Film Studio : Swirl Films, UpToParr Productions LLC, TV One Direktor : Russ Parr Besetzung : Robin Givens, Tasia Grant, Malika, Luenell, Golden Brooks, E. Roger Mitchell
Definitely Divorcing Genre: Drama, Komödie, TV-Film Studio: Swirl Films, UpToParr Productions LLC, TV One Stichwort: cheating, therapist, marriage crisis, atlanta, marriage, just married, stepparents, liar, stepfather, wedding, co-workers relationship, divorce, over the top, dentist, extramarital affair, teenage daughter, manipulative lover, second marriage, marriage problems, marriage counselor, cheat on wife, insecure woman, crazy woman, emotional instability, crazy ex, manipulative teen, swingers, disjointed Besetzung: Robin Givens, Tasia Grant, Malika, Luenell, Golden Brooks, E. Roger Mitchell